Please, and we cannot stress this enough, don’t eat this bubble block.
We know that the combination of candyfloss and marshmallow is mouth-wateringly delicious, and the beautiful blue and pink bubbles look inviting.
But take the word of one too many of our team members here at Scentish… they do not taste as good as they smell – run a small piece of the bubble block under hot water and relax amongst the sweet bubbles.
Please, and we cannot stress this enough, don’t eat this bubble block.
We know that the combination of candyfloss and marshmallow is mouth-wateringly delicious, and the beautiful blue and pink bubbles look inviting.
But take the word of one too many of our team members here at Scentish… they do not taste as good as they smell – run a small piece of the bubble block under hot water and relax amongst the sweet bubbles.